One aspect I love about fashion is that you get to wear your creativity. I have used both the dress and sweater in separate posts before. The only thing that is new is the black bow belt. My cozy tribal print sweater is from Ross and I paired is with the mustard yellow dress that I purchased at Le Garage Sale. The black booties and black bow belt (originally came with another shirt) were purchased at Ross as well.
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Image from Pink Peonies post Holiday Frost.
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Well goodbye 2013 you have a been good to me. I even surprised myself that I was able to keep this blog going for a whole year aaaannnddd I definitely want to continue growing and improving it. I started this blog to try and teach people that having style doesn’t mean you have to have money. You just need some creativity and confidence. I would never have imagined how much I could learn and grow from this project, and not only about fashion. I’ve learned about building a website, photography, marketing, ads and so much more. I am much more comfortable with myself and I no longer criticize all my flaws in pictures. Putting myself out there for the internet world to judge has been challenging at times – because like most girls I have my insecurities – but I am proud of myself for overcoming that and I know I am a much stronger person for it. I of course could not have done any of this without everyone’s support. Every comment and every like means so much to me! So here it to 2014 and the endless opportunities it brings!
These pictures were taken at Zilker Park in Austin. If you haven’t been it is a great place to enjoy the outdoors and it’s dog friendly!
You can spruce up any casual outfit with this faux fur scarf from Express. I paired my Nikibiki green leather jacket with my blue denim button up shirt from Marshalls. My brown booties from Ross kept the look casual. My green and gold hoop earrings and elephant ring are from Charming Charlie.
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